What is Twitter and how to create twitter account?


What is Twitter and how to create twitter account?

HI friends, What's up ?


I know you all are waiting for more interesting and useful articles . And today's interesting topic is Twitter. PM Modi tweeted about corruption in India or Deepika tweeted some personal issue , What is this tweet ? Every celebrity and politicians are tweeting some issues or things . What is Tweet ? A short sentence or message which posted in Twitter is called as Tweet.Twitter is a social networking site in which people ,politicians and Mostly Celebrities update and share things related to them in form of short sentence . Twitter is famous for Celebrities Tweets and it is popular because of its easy and quickly sharing features etc . Twitter is primarily uses in mobile phones.Lets see HOW TO CREATE TWITTER ACCOUNT?

How to create Twitter Account?

Most of your friends are using twitter and they are making fun of you that you don't have twitter and you want to shut their mouth by tweeting over their tweet with your new account. So you need a Twitter account. There are two ways to create twitter account.

    They are
  1. If you are using Laptop or desktop , open your web browser and go to www.twitter.com
  2. If you are using mobile phone or tablets , download twitter app

Whatever the way you choose ,you need to sign up and follow the instructions on the screen. Creation of Twitter account is easy and straightforward process ,but you need to consider some things while signing up.Read the following steps to do this.

1.Choose a Unique User Name

Username of Twitter should be unique ,it act as Twitter Identity for you which helps people to recognize and connect to you. If the username you choose had taken by somebody ,twitter will suggest you Unique Username .

2.Add a profile and Header photo

Like unique username profile photo helps people to recognize and connect to you . And adding header photo also add unique look to your profile.If you skip this step, Don't worry you can also change it later by reading my article on how to customize Twitter profile and privacy settings etc.

3.Pick people whom to follow

During this process , Twitter will suggest you the person's account to follow who are popular like celebrities ,Politicians ,News and organisations according to your interests .If you are not sure in which way you want to use twitter , skip this step and you can do this later.

Now you have your own twitter account. Are you ready to use it

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How to change password of Google account


How to change password of your Google account .

HI Friends , What's up ? I know you all are awesome and Today's my question to you is Do you all have Google or Gmail account? I know everyone answer is Yes , why because Google account is so much important as Mobile phone in our daily lives. Google or gmail account is very important to know about credit card usage details on mail , to have official conversation with our colleagues or Boss or clients and to know about offers , to receiver newsletters about insurance offers and so on . I am sure that most of the internet users in this world have at-least one google account and double sure that half of them don't know HOW TO CHANGE PASSWORD OF GOOGLE OR GMAIL ACCOUNT. And Today My topic is HOW TO CHANGE PASSWORD OF GOOGLE OR GMAIL ACCOUNT

Follow the below steps to change Gmail or Google account password

1.Login to gmail or google account

In this step , login to your gmail or google account which account password you want to change . I think most of you know how to login into gmail account . Click to login :.


2.Click on settings option

In this step , you need to go to setting by click gear icon at top right corner which is shown in below image and click on setting option it will take you to another webpage .

2.Click on accounts and imports option

In this step , you need to click on accounts and imports which will show you change password option at first as in below image

Click on change password , it will take you to gmail account login page to confirm the account ownership through reenter of present password , then after it will take to a webpage where you can change the password.

Here it is the webpage where you can change the password. Please enter the new password and enjoy google features.

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Other related topics: Facebook,Whats up,

How to download Facebook videos for free


How to download Facebook videos for free

HI , Friends I know you searched a lot to find how to download video from Facebook. Most of Facebook users love to download video which are inspirational ,romantic and comedy videos to share with friends through other social networking app or to keep with them as a beautiful memory . But here the conflict enters into the scene most of the users don't know how to download video they loved from Facebook . So , Today my topic is How to download Facebook videos for free which solve the conflict of billions of Facebook users. Here I am describing steps by steps procedure to download video.

1.Determine if the video is hosted by Facebook.

There are two types of videos hosted in Facebook , one type by other sites such as You-tube , private sites and other type of videos by Facebook. Videos which are hosted on Facebook through other website Urls can download directly through the URL available beside to the Video and videos hosted by Facebook can download through below procedure.

2.Identification of Facebook videos

Facebook videos are identified through URl : The video with Url like https://www.facebook.com/xxxxxxxx/videos/1181019305242960/ are videos hosted on Facebook.

3.Downloading Facebook Video

Here , you need the cop the Facebook video URL which you want to download and search in Google with keyword like download facebook videos , google will show you top website URl to download Facebook video , here I am using this link http://www.fbdown.net/ . Open the URl and paste the Facebook video URL in the URL box as shown below and press download , it will take you to another webpage where you will find two link as Download Video in Normal Quality and Download Video in HD . Download the quality you want and enjoy the video .

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and to know how to download Facebook video using Google chrome developer tools

Facebook Hidden Keys Every Facebook user must know


Facebook Hidden shortcuts Every Facebook user must know

HI , Friends , Today my topic is Facebook

Facebook, a separate world in Internet which was created by Mark zuckerberg , I don't think it has an exaggeration to state Facebook as separate world with 1.23 billion active users. The reason behind Facebook having billions of active users is its interface and options it has provided to users like finding people of same interests , same community and finding missed friends etc. What is your feeling if i say Facebook have keyboard shortcuts which make more interesting and more easy to use. Yes , Facebook have keyboard shortcuts to make its user interaction more easy and I am going to write about Facebook shortcuts in this article.

Remember , keyboard shortcuts can differ by browser (ex: Firefox, Internet Explorer). Find the right combination of keys for your browser in the list below, and replace * with the access key number listed under Access Keys below.

    Key combination as per browser
  • Internet-Explorer for PC : Alt+*
  • Firrefox for PC :Shift+Alt+*
  • Safari for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + *
  • Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + *
  • Chrome for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + *
  • Chrome for PC: Alt + *

Access keys

  • 0 – Help
  • 1 – Home
  • 2 – Timeline
  • 3 – Friends
  • 4 – Inbox
  • 5 – Notifications
  • 6 – Settings
  • 7 – Activity Log
  • 8 – About
  • 9 – Terms

Keyboard Shortcuts

    News Feed
  • j and k – Scroll between News Feed stories
  • enter/return – See more of the selected story
  • p – Post a new status
  • l – Like or unlike the selected story
  • c – Comment on the selected story
  • s – Share the selected story
  • o – Open an attachment from the selected story
  • / – Search
  • q – Search chat contacts
  • ? – Open a list of these keyboard shortcuts while in News Feed

If you face any problem , feel free to comment below I like to answer you . Like , comment and share whatever you feel after this article and like my facebook page for more update

Top Five Whats App Tricks Everyone should know


Top Five Whats App Tricks Everyone should know

Hi friends , How many of you like What's App , I know everyone love Whats App why because, Whats app is one of the best and wonderful app that makes smart phone user to fall in love with it features .100% of the smart phone users uses Whats app to communicate with their circle and this percent of people know basic tricks in Whats App , most of them don't know all the tricks makes Whats App usage more easy. In this article I will discuss about Top Ten Whats App Tricks Everyone should know .

1.Quotes a Reply:

If you friend said Thanks to you , but you don't know why he thanked you here you can use this features , by sending the message as quote he has sent to you by using this features to know the context of previous message.

2.Tag people in Group chat

Group chat is wonderful when all are active , but people become mute when they have work , then they forgot to un-mute the group. Through this feature we can make remind the mute member . Tagging people with ‘@’ sign in any group chat will notify the person even when the group is in mute mode for him. Moreover, it helps to be specific about whom you are talking to.

Message delivery Report

In Whats App , single ask tick indicates message is not delivered , double ash tick is represents delivered message and blue double ticks represents read message. But users can disable this option by doing as shown below.In group chat , we can see the details of the message report , we cannot disable the option .

Font changing

If you are feel bore because of same type of interface , then this feature makes you to get refresh . Through this feature you can change the What's app font which will make you chat interesting and energetic .Change the text to Bold ,Italics and strike through add *(star) ,_(Underscore) and ~ (similar ) signs before and after the word/sentence respectively.

Same whats up account on two devices

What app introduce this feature to make what app device independent app , user can use What App on two devices at same time like phone and phone , phone and laptop or Desktop by going to this link Web what's up .

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Top HiddenThings Every YouTube users must know


Top Hidden Things Every youtube user must know

Hi friends , It is not an exaggeration if iu say that every internet user know about Youtube , Youtube is the world best youtube video sharing , moneymaking and learning spot on internet. . Over 800 million unique visitors are visiting Youtube every month , among them only few thousands knows about hidden things in youtube.Let's see what they are


    Shortcuts are the best things that make easier to use anythings . It is better to know how to use youtube smartly through shortcuts. Following are the youtube alphabets to shortcuts .

  • Pressing k will PAUSE the youtube video
  • Pressing J will REWIND the youtube video by 10 seconds interval
  • Pressing L will FAST-FORWARD the youtube video by 10seconds
  • Pressing M will MUTE the audio
  • Pressing Shift +N will takes you to NEXT video
  • Presssing Shift +P will takes you to PREVIOUS video

2. Interesting Youtube

Youtube is always wants to make its users joy their interactions with youtube .Following feature makes youtuber interaction interesting.

A.Force-Luke Youtube

Through this feature , the content in youtube move up & down , Left & right when a user move the mouse point . To enjoy this interaction type USE Forec LUKE in Youtube search box , to get this effect

B.Dancing Youtube

Through this feature , the content in youtube will dance . To enjoy this interaction type Do the harlem shake in Youtube search box, to get this effect.

C.Doge meme

Through this feature , the content in youtube will appear in different colours . To enjoy this interaction type Doge Meme in Youtube search box , to get this effect.

D.Lean back youtube

Through this feature , the user will feel relax because Eye stress free design and user interface. To enjoy this interaction open this link www.youtube.com/leanback in search box , to get this effect.

3. Youtube gifs

If you like any funny youtube video , you can create gifs of the video by typing gif before youtube in URL . Ex.. https://www.youtube.com/tv#/watch/video/idle?v=oMq-TntrKKQ&resume , it create gif of this video type gif like https://www.gifyoutube.com/tv#/watch/video/idle?v=oMq-TntrKKQ&resume.

Youtube has some many features and uses. share this article with your friends, like my facebook page for more articles

How to start Free wordpress blog within 10 minutes


How to start Free wordpress blog within 10 minutes

If you are wandering to know how to start a free wordpress blog . Your search ends here . In this article , i am discussing about how to start free wordpress blog.

Wordpress is one of the best CMS blogging platform with responsive web layouts. Wordpress is SEO friendly blogging platform . Wordpress is available as Freemium and premium plans . In freemium plan we have limitations to use the platform . If you want to make money through blogging i advice to take premium or use self hosted plan. Let's see step by step procedure to start free wordpress blog.


1.Selection of web layout design

In wordpress to create a blog involves 5 steps , one among them is selection of web layout design. According to the web layout selection, it will show us themes related to that web layout in the 2 stage . The web page looks like below.


2.Choosing a theme

Here we need to select a theme for the blog , no need to overthink , at any time we can switch to different themes later.

3.Let's find a domain

In this step we need to find a domain name by entering the domain name of our wish in the search box.The search bar will give results of all related available domain names(both custom and free domains) . It is a free plan so please select domain name that look like www.domainname.wordpress.com , if we want to shift to premium plan we can shift later .

4.Pick a plan that's right for you.

In this step we need to select a plan that suits our requirements . Here we are discussing about free blog , select free blog plan which cost $0 as shown in below image


5.Create your account

In this we need to enter our valid email address , username and strong password in respective fields and press create my account . it will take you to following pages


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