Top HiddenThings Every YouTube users must know

Top Hidden Things Every youtube user must know

Hi friends , It is not an exaggeration if iu say that every internet user know about Youtube , Youtube is the world best youtube video sharing , moneymaking and learning spot on internet. . Over 800 million unique visitors are visiting Youtube every month , among them only few thousands knows about hidden things in youtube.Let's see what they are


    Shortcuts are the best things that make easier to use anythings . It is better to know how to use youtube smartly through shortcuts. Following are the youtube alphabets to shortcuts .

  • Pressing k will PAUSE the youtube video
  • Pressing J will REWIND the youtube video by 10 seconds interval
  • Pressing L will FAST-FORWARD the youtube video by 10seconds
  • Pressing M will MUTE the audio
  • Pressing Shift +N will takes you to NEXT video
  • Presssing Shift +P will takes you to PREVIOUS video

2. Interesting Youtube

Youtube is always wants to make its users joy their interactions with youtube .Following feature makes youtuber interaction interesting.

A.Force-Luke Youtube

Through this feature , the content in youtube move up & down , Left & right when a user move the mouse point . To enjoy this interaction type USE Forec LUKE in Youtube search box , to get this effect

B.Dancing Youtube

Through this feature , the content in youtube will dance . To enjoy this interaction type Do the harlem shake in Youtube search box, to get this effect.

C.Doge meme

Through this feature , the content in youtube will appear in different colours . To enjoy this interaction type Doge Meme in Youtube search box , to get this effect.

D.Lean back youtube

Through this feature , the user will feel relax because Eye stress free design and user interface. To enjoy this interaction open this link in search box , to get this effect.

3. Youtube gifs

If you like any funny youtube video , you can create gifs of the video by typing gif before youtube in URL . Ex.. , it create gif of this video type gif like

Youtube has some many features and uses. share this article with your friends, like my facebook page for more articles

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