How to Start a Blog

How to start a Blog

If you are search for HOW TO START A BLOG from here onward you don't need to search , you need to start knowing how to start a blog because I am here to provide you clear cut information on how to start a blog and steps you need to go through to start a successful blog


Select your Topic

First and important task you need to do is to select the the topic on which you are like to write a blog
Eg: If you love to share your travelling or you life experience , like that tech information , to help exam aspirants , guide people to choose a career etc . You dont need to think to much to select a topic , most of the successful blogger are writing blogs on a topic they love .
Select a topic you love

Selection a platform for blogging

There are so many blogging platforms are available for both technical people(who have idea on website coding) and non technical people(who don't have coding skills.).

    There are various blogging platforms are available . they are ...
  • Blogger(Free )
  • Wordpress(Free & paid
  • Joolma
  • etc

Even though lots of blogging platforms are available ,blogger and word press are mostly using blogging platform

Selection of domain name

After selection of platform , you need to select a domain name for your blog before taking a domain name . According to SEO ( Search Engine optimization) tips , it is advantage to have a domain name related to keywords based topic your going to writing .
Eg : If you writing on automobile and their specifications and performance , it is more advantage to have domain name with automobile related keywords like autowale , autorank etc

Choosing best hosting site

Last but not Least . Choosing a hosting for your blog is last step before starting a successful blog but it plays vital role in website performance in search engine ranking , so it is better to know very well hosting types and hosting plans , space availability and band width providing they hosting company

Then after this install your blog and start publishing Happy publishing a blog.
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